Don't miss these great deals for new or expecting moms!
Let Enfamil® help you nourish milestones. Join Enfamil Family Beginnings. You'll get trusted advice for every stage of your baby's development, plus discounts on Enfamil products, free samples and goodies, such as an Enfamil Pack 'n Cool™. This offer is intended for U.S. residents only.

Click on "Shop Now", select any canopy you would like (be sure to go to their sizing page so you can get the right size carrier for you). Once you have selected your size, you will automatically be directed to the "shopping bag" where you can enter the promo code “ENBABY” This promo code will take off 100% of the canopy purchase ($49.95 retail value) and all you are required to pay are the shipping fees. You can use the code more than once - you just have to open a new browser/window to do so. Due to its nature, this offer can't last long so please hurry.

Items include 3 sturdy board books: “Who Lives Here?”, “Music on the Go” and “What is Black and White?” along with a squishy plush book, “Baby is SO Big”, discovery cards with ring, and an informative parent guide.
As a limited time holiday gift to you, we are including a special compilation of holiday hits from the best-selling Baby Einstein album “Baby Santa” with your order.

Natural Diapers & Wipes Kit Free Trial!
Diapers with a natural, comfy fit, and soft, durable wipes that are gentle on your baby's delicate skin. Guaranteed toxin- and carcinogen-free, and delivered straight to your door!
A Healthier Alternative
All of EverydayHappy's products are naturally sourced and eco-friendly. Each kit contains products to keep your family environment clean, healthy and beautiful.
Getting babycare products delivered means saying ‘goodbye!’ to big pharmacy orders and spending more time at home with your family. Plus, it’ll save you money. It’s all part of EverydayHappy’s mission to help make your life a little easier.
*Ordering our Free Trial Kit(s) enrolls you as an EverydayHappy MEMBER. You can cancel any time for any reason. If you choose not to cancel your membership within 7 days of receiving your Free Trial Kit(s), you will be charged $79.95 + $5.95 S&H for your monthly Diapers & Wipes bundle, and $39.95 + $5.95 S&H for your monthly Family Care bundle, or $119.90 + $5.95 for both monthly bundles.